Meeting the Forensic Burden of Proof
NMS Labs offers a specialized set of analytical services and capabilities that are designed to meet the forensic burden of proof. As a private lab, NMS offers the benefit and flexibility of working with attorneys representing either side of a civil or criminal case.
Our commitment to excellence includes an extensive staff of certified specialists with advanced degrees (Masters/Diplomat level or PhD/Fellows) in forensic science, toxicology, and pharmacology.
Board certifications include:
- American Board of Clinical Chemistry
- American Board of Forensic Toxicology
- American Board of Criminalistics
For more information or to submit a sample for testing, call 1-866-522-2216 or contact us at Forensics email.
Or refer to our Expert Services for more detail on testimony support.
NMS Labs defines “analyst” in forensics
In the landmark 2013 Yohe decision in Pennsylvania Supreme Court, NMS impacted forensic science practice throughout the United States. In this case, the Court defined who constitutes an “analyst” for providing testimony on forensic scientific analysis. The NMS Labs case work model was upheld as successfully balancing the defendant’s constitutional right to confrontation with forensic practices and the efficient use of forensic science resources. Specifically, the issue was whether an NMS toxicologist could testify to the results of blood alcohol testing, rather than those who had performed steps in the process (such as sampling blood and placing it on instruments for testing).